Advances in Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Horticulture

Perspective - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 3

Plant hormone functions and its specifications
Joyce Leo*
Department of Biology and Genetics, Peking University, Beijing, China
*Correspondence: Joyce Leo, Department of Biology and Genetics, Peking University, Beijing, China,

Received: 05-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. AAPBH-22-77575; Editor assigned: 08-Aug-2022, Pre QC No. AAPBH-22-77575 (PQ); Reviewed: 23-Aug-2022, QC No. AAPBH-22-77575; Revised: 30-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. AAPBH-22-77575 (R); Published: 07-Sep-2022, DOI: 10.51268/2736-1802.22.10.093


Signal molecules called plant hormones are created by plants and exist in very small amounts. All aspects of plant growth and development, including embryogenesis, the regulation of organ size, pathogen defence, stress tolerance, and reproductive development, are governed by plant hormones. The Greek origins of the word hormone translate it as being set in motion. Cellular division, growth, and gene expression and transcription are all impacted by plant hormones. Although very similar compounds are created by fungi and bacteria and can likewise have an impact on plant growth, they are naturally produced within plants. Humans can create a wide range of related chemical substances. Plant growth regulators are artificial substances that are used to control the growth of cultivated plants, weeds, in vitro-grown plants, and plant cells. The name "phytohormone" was frequently used in the early stages of the study of plant hormones, but it is now less frequently used. Plant hormones are molecules, not nutrients that, in small doses, encourage and have an influence on the division, growth, and differentiation of cells and tissues. Within plant tissues, the manufacturing of plant hormones is frequently diffuse and not necessarily localised. Because plants use more passive methods to transfer chemicals throughout their bodies than do mammals, which have two circulatory systems powered by a heart that pumps fluids around the body, plants lack glands that create and store hormones. Simple compounds are used by plants as hormones because they can travel through their tissues more quickly. They are frequently created and utilized locally inside the plant body. Hormones produced by plant cells have an impact on many parts of the cell itself. There are four different movements that the plant uses to transfer hormones.

Cytoplasmic streaming within cells and sluggish ion and molecule diffusion between cells are both used for localised mobility. Vascular tissues, such as sieve tubes or phloem, which transport sugars from the leaves to the roots and flowers, and xylem, which transports water and mineral solutes from the roots to the foliage, are employed to transport hormones from one area of the plant to another. Hormones don't affect all plant cells, but those that do are programmed to react at particular times during their growth cycle. The most significant effects happen at particular times during the cell's existence, while the least significant effects happen before or after these times. Plants require hormones at precise times and places during their growth. Additionally, they must stop the negative effects that hormones have when they are no longer required. At regions of active growth within the meristems, hormone synthesis frequently takes place before cells have fully differentiated. They may be transferred from the manufacturing area to another area of the plant where they have an immediate impact, or they may be stored in cells and released at a later time. Plants can control the amount of chemicals required to biosynthesize hormones, which allows them to control the quantity of internal hormones and moderate their effects. By conjugating them with sugars, amino acids, or peptides, they can be stored in cells, rendered inactive, or used to cannibalise already-formed hormones. Hormones can also be chemically broken down by plants, which effectively destroy them. Other plant hormone concentrations are commonly regulated by hormones in plants.


Hormone concentrations are also diluted within plants by the movement of hormones. Hormone levels needed for plant responses are extremely low. Studying plant hormones has been extremely challenging due to their low concentrations, and it has only been since the late 1970s that researchers have been able to begin putting their effects and connections to plant physiology together.

The study of plants with genetic deficiencies in one or the use of tissue-cultured plants grown in vitro and treated to various hormone ratios and the resulting growth were major components of early studies on plant hormones. The first recorded scientific study and observation dates back to the 1880s; the discovery and observation of plant hormones, as well as their identification, took place over the course of the following 70 years.

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