Annals of Educational Research and Reviews

Commentry - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 3

Importance of educational psychology and its effects
Madureira Garcia*
Department of Education, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
*Correspondence: Madureira Garcia, Department of Education, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil,

Received: 01-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. AERR-22-78014; Editor assigned: 05-Sep-2022, Pre QC No. AERR-22-78014 (PQ); Reviewed: 19-Sep-2022, QC No. AERR-22-78014; Revised: 26-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. AERR-22-78014 (R); Published: 06-Oct-2022, DOI: 10.51268/2736-1853-22.10.069

About the Study

Educational psychology is the field of psychology that studies human learning scientifically. Researchers to understand individual variations in intelligence, cognitive development, affect motivation, self-regulation, and self-concept by studying learning processes from both cognitive and behavioral perspectives. The field of educational psychology is strongly utilizing quantitative techniques, such as measurement and evaluation to improve educational activities such as educational technology, classroom management, and assessment, which serve to facilitate learning processes across the lifespan. The relationship between educational psychology and other disciplines can help us to understand it. It is mainly required to inform by cognitive science, with a relationship to that field of study that is equivalent to the relationship between biology and medicine.

Cognitive science is also playing a significant role. Educational psychology severs to inform a wide range of educational study specializations, such as instructional design, educational technology, curriculum development, organizational learning, special education, classroom management, and student motivation. Educational psychology focuses on it and contributes significantly to cognitive and learning sciences. Departments of educational psychology are usually contained in education faculties in higher education institutions that could contribute for the lack of representation of experimental psychology information in educational psychology teaching materials.

Educational psychology is the study of memory, conceptual processes, and physical characteristics (through cognitive psychology) in order to establish new learning techniques in humans. Theoretical approaches of educational psychology provide behavioral modification, functionalism, structuralism, conceptualism, psychological theories, Cognitive theories, and processing of information. In the last twenty years, educational psychology has seen a rapid growth and development as a profession. In the early-20th century, education psychology began with the concept of intelligence testing, which contributed to terms and conditions for special education students who could not follow the regular classroom education system. However, "school psychology" has developed a relatively new profession based on the theories and techniques of several psychologists from different fields.

Developmental psychologists are co-operating with mental health professionals, social workers, teachers, speech and language therapists and counsellors to better understand the problems that occur when behavioral, cognitive, and social psychology are associated in the classroom. Educational psychology is a relatively new field of study that was not recognized as a different procedure until twentieth century. Observations on daily teaching and learning have allowed some individuals throughout history to explain on developmental differences in learning and memory, the nature of teaching, and learning and knowledge transmit. These are important topics in education and, as a result, in understanding the human cognition, learning, and social awareness.

Educational psychologists are associated with the learning and development of children. They use their specialized knowledge of psychological and educational assessment techniques to help individuals who are having difficulties with learning, behavior, or interpersonal abilities. Examples of educational psychology include: Investigating the most efficient teaching techniques for individuals who have specific learning disabilities such as Attention Deficit Disorder Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), cognitive deficits, or learning disabilities. Investigating how people learn in multiple configurations. Although there are various theories in educational psychology, many experts identify five main philosophical schools of thought: behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, experientialism, and social contextual development theory.

The term 'educational theory' is referring to a group of theories that describe the application, interpretation, and purpose of learning and education. Theoretical concepts can be used to inform teaching methods, curriculum content, and assessments, as well as to explain the learning process. Educational psychology is critical for teachers, and it should be widely adopted for effective school performance. Teachers can understand the various educators and school students in the learning environment.

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