Advances in Fishery, Aquaculture and Hydrobiology

Perspective - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 2

Yuyang Cai*
Department of Fishery Aquaculture, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
*Correspondence: Yuyang Cai, Department of Fishery Aquaculture, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium,

, DOI: 10.51268/ 2736-1829.22.10.07


Chronic toxicity relates to long-term exposure. It covers effects on hatching, growth, and survival and is used to determine NOEC (no observed effect concentration), LOEC (lowest observed effect concentration), or ECx values. Where x is % (eg 10%) and the concentration of a is analytics. A chemical that affects 10% of the population. Acute aquatic toxicity testing is a mandatory requirement for most EU chemical legislation, but chronic aquatic toxicity testing may be necessary if acute test results indicate a risk or if long-term exposure is expected. Aquatic toxicology is the study of the effects of manufactured chemicals and other man-made and natural substances and activities on aquatic organisms at various organizational levels, from intracellular to individual organisms, communities and ecosystems. Aquatic toxicology is an interdisciplinary field that combines toxicology, aquatic ecology and aquatic chemistry.

This area includes freshwater, marine, and sedimentary environments. Common studies include standardized acute and chronic toxicity studies lasting from 24-96 hours (acute studies) to over 7 days (chronic studies). These tests measure endpoints such as survival, growth, and reproduction at each concentration in a gradient, along with control tests. We typically use selected organisms with ecologically relevant susceptibility to toxins and a solid literature background. These organisms can be easily acquired or cultured in lab and are easy to handle. Aquatic toxicity assessment is an important part of the environmental hazard and risk assessment of chemicals of all types and is therefore included in several EU chemicals legislation. Aquatic toxicity generally refers to the effects of a chemical on aquatic organisms and is determined using organisms representing three trophic levels. Algae or plants as 'primary producers' Invertebrates (crustaceans such as Daphnia) Vertebrates (usually fish) as 'primary/secondary producers' EURL ECVAM as 'secondary consumers' Research focuses on ways to improve fish use. In general, there are acute and chronic aquatic toxicity endpoints. Acute toxicity is usually determined by short-term exposure of fish to a chemical over a range of concentrations.

Calculate the concentration that kills 50% of the test fish, and express it as the LC50 value. Chronic toxicity is long-term exposure. It covers effects on hatching, growth and survival and is used to determine NOEC (No Effect Concentration), LOEC (Lowest Observed Effect Concentration) or ECx values. x is in % (e.g. 10%) and the concentration in a is the chemical. 10% of the population shows some effect. Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have emerged as new aquatic pollutants in recent years due to their potential threats to human populations and aquatic ecosystems. PPCP is an ingredient in pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents, B-blockers, lipid regulators, anti-epileptics, X-ray contrast agents, and personal care products such as antibiotics, synthetic musks, insect repellents and antiseptics, or belongs to a number of chemical classes, including UV filters for sun protection along with their metabolites or transformation products. Many of these assays are required by international wastewater quality testing protocols such as WSER, NPDES and WFD. Direct toxicity assays performed in EBPI Analytics are widely used by regulatory agencies, academia, and industry. Most of the assays provided by EBPI Analytics follow standardized protocols developed according to ISO, OECD and EPA. Several assays for which there are no current international standards are in the approval process for standardization.

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