Annals of Educational Research and Reviews

Promoting a feeling of pleasure: Empiric research in high education based on spinozas philosophy


Abraham Mounitz and Alonit Berenson

This study aimed to explore the relationship between an ability to implement theories and feeling
pleasure and self-assurance, based on Spinoza`s philosophy that when the mind regards its self and its
power of activity, its feels pleasure. The research presents results of a study among students at the
Safed Academic College, Israel. A high correlation was found between feeling pleasure and selfassurance,
and an ability to implement theories learned about a specific case. The 3-year long research
in practical courses used 249 questionnaires in heterogenic classes (Druze, Muslims, Christians and
Jews) and included women and men aged 18-50. One of the most famous of Spinoza’s universal
teachings uses a practical system to promote human pleasure. This is a pioneering study following the
identification of student's satisfaction in practical lessons. The interesting finding of the study that
founded no differences between students based on gender, religion, personal status and age. The
research findings validate Spinoza's claims in Ethics from 350 years ago.


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