Annals of Educational Research and Reviews

Importance of adult education


Nirlipta D.

Adult Education is that the only tool to get rid of illiteracy from society. Adult education are often categorized under fundamental education, mass education of individuals , worker’s education, further education, basic education, community education, and social education, etc so as to teach the people at different levels. The key role of course is to permit workers to develop their skills and acquire new ones. In the wake of the depression , it gives adults an opportunity to retrain, which is especially important to people that will got to work past pension age and need support to train for a new role. Education is not a time-bound activity or pursuit. Both education and knowledge are an ongoing process that happens for the whole lifetime of a private. As the saying goes, we learn something new each day. Even formal education isn't solely the privilege of youngsters or young adults. Adult education gives mature adults the prospect to find out more and hone any specific skills they want to. Let us learn more about the importance of course during this essay. Adult education consists of offering mature adults various educational options to find out new skills or develop the talents they already possess. It is the means of providing education to adults beyond the normal school and college education we provide to them as children. Adult education can either be formal, vocational, recreational, social, etc.


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