Annals of Educational Research and Reviews

Elements impacting scholarly disappointment of college undergraduate


Ahmed Umar

There was a close link between education and development. Education played a vital role in human
capital formation. Academic failure from university was a problem that had became a serious concern
for higher education institutions. This study presented the result of a recent investigation at the
University of Gujrat that attempted to identify the post enrollment factors that students perceived as
having important influences on students failures in their university studies. Data was collected by using
questionnaire. The Independent-Samples t-test procedure was used to compares means for two groups
of cases. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis was also performing to test the relationship
among latent factor represented by the actual data from 100 drop out students of university. Finding
indicates that male and female groups were significantly different in their perception of causes of
academic failure, but perception of students from different programs Bachelors in science, Master in
Arts and Science (BS, M.A/M.Sc) was not significantly different. In our estimated model class
participation and lack of family support was directly affected on students drop out from university, but
wrong choice of subject and change of system which was basically link with class participation and
indirectly effect on students drop out.


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