Annals of Educational Research and Reviews

Auxiliary level classroom learning in Thailand rehearsal: Are we prepared for learning in the 21st-century?


Sanit Meesook

Based on data from a survey of students and teachers in 933 Thailand secondary schools in the
Northeastern area of the country, this study explores students’ and teachers’ perspectives of current -,
issues and needs of the classroom practices towards 21
century learning. The majority of the
reported current instructional circumstance is traditional. The results found unsteady and slow internet
connection, lack of technology, and uninteresting teaching methods as major problems in classroom
practices. Responses to the needs of improvement suggest implementing new teaching strategies,
more fun and relevance, better quality of internet connection, and enough devices and technology
provided in schools. Additionally, digital behaviors of the students and teachers showed that they
spend a couple hours a day online, mostly during 6pm to 10pm at home. The purpose of internet use is
searching for information, whereas the most frequently used device accessing the internet is the
Smartphone, and Facebook is the most-used social media. The delay of internet connection is found to
be the most severe problem of internet usage through the experience of students and teachers in


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