Annals of Educational Research and Reviews

Advanced education financing in Nigeria: Issues and patterns


J. O Thomas

The potential of the higher education system to act as an agent of growth and development in Nigeria is
being challenged by the long-standing problems of limited access, inadequate financing, poor
governance, declining quality and relevance. Thus, this paper provides an overview of the trends and
nature of public funding of higher education in Nigeria. The arguments in this paper support increased
public investment in higher education for many reasons. First, most societies believe that education is
a public service; hence, its provision is not and needs not be justified on economic ground alone. More
so, schooling, especially at the tertiary level, has a large number of direct beneficial effects beyond
raising economic output, such as lowering child mortality, hedging options and non-market returns
among others. The paper however recognises the fact that government alone cannot provide all the
resources needed to increase access into and promote quality of higher education, thus the need for
alternative financial mechanisms to complement public funds in higher education.


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